Feng Shui Yourself
First a few tips on cleaning your jewelry. Clean jewelry and dont touch the earring post with dirty or oily fingers. The natural oils on our fingers is harmful sometimes. Touching a pimple is made worse by the oils from your fingertips. Plants like ferns don’t like to be touched our natural oils on our fingers burns their leaves. These oils can be irritating to some and if it gets on the stem of your earring and then inside your piercing it can be irritating to sensitive ears. If you have sensitive ears make sure you clean the stem and your hands before putting in your earrings. Use soap and water on the stem of the earrings and make sure to rinse well. Don’t Immerse your jewelry under the water just use your finger tips. Alcohol works too. Dry the stem with a clean cloth and hold the earring not the stem when placing in the ear piercing hole. I have sensitive ears and this works well for me.
Why choose leather or faux leather jewelry? It is beautiful, light weight, easy and comfortable to wear, and looks fantastic on. The colours and style of my jewelry will definitely pop your outfit into a cool style and add colour to highlight your beauty. My jewelry will add the art and energy of Feng shui to your outfit.
Healthy energy and it’s flow is what we need in our body’s and in our homes. The ancient Chinese art of Feng shui is using the placement incorporating symbols and colours of the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood) into your environment to get a better flow of energy. It creates a balance of the five elements into your home to create a healthy balance. Its placement is important too. For example my living room has family pictures on the right wall walking in ,this is called the family wall. Create a reflection of energy by using a mirror on the far wall of your living room and the opposite wall of your entryway. This reflects and multiply’s energy. Flowing the negative energy out and increasing the good energy.
In my living room I have a fire place and a fish tank. I have rocks for the face of the fire place and a wood mantle. I have silver grey carpet and sand coloured walls. I have a large painting of a forest with a lot of red in it. I have represented the five elements:
Fire: Fireplace and red painting.
Earth: Rock and wood fire place, wood mantle, and sand colour walls.
Metal: Silver carpet, white entertainment cubby, accents like drawer handles and a few ornaments.
Water: Fish tank and fish ornaments.
Wood: Wood logs, fireplace mantle, cubby made of wood, painting of the forest.
So you can have the actual element or the colours or images of the element to create balance.
Can you use feng shui on yourself? Absolutely!
Fire: Red, orange, yellow,pink, and hearts and lips all represent fire. Fire is passion! Heat and passion like fire and the sun. Red hair, blond hair, red clothes or jewelry brings passion.
Earth: Brown and green colour and natures elements related to the earth like flowers and leaves in prints or jewelry bring that energy in. Black and brown hair you have that earth element.
Metal: Wearing Silver or white gold jewelry brings in this element. You silver haired foxes out there have this metal element built in. Grey, white, and silver clothing will bring this metal energy in. Geometric shapes in pictures on clothing or jewelry represents metal.
Crystals can represent a lot of these elements and are so beautiful to add to your home or jewelry.
Water: Your blue jeans, blue eyes, patterns with sea creatures, wave or water pics and patterns representing water. Of course the colour blue in clothing and in jewelry represents water and brings that energy in.
Your hair colour and eye colour represents the elements you hold in you. So the trick is balance here don’t overuse one element. If you like all black add in a multi colour scarf or jewelry. Try to incorporate the five elements in your clothes and jewelry. You already have some built in to your make up, hair colour, eye colour, and nail colour.
In my jewelry you will find lots of colours. Add my pink, red, or wine colour hearts and lips to bring in more passion. Or cool your high energy with some water elements and see my blue pieces. What ever you like or are drawn too is the colour for you.
Air is another element that is found represented in all the other elements with the colours like blue , white, yellow,and grey. Your lungs and relaxed breathing always brings in that air energy so pretty easy just breath.
Don’t forget your underclothes can bring in the elements energy with colours and patterns. Lets say you don’t wear a-lot of red and you want that energy. Get a red bra, panty, boxer, or brief to bring in some passion. Remember we are 60% water so we always have that element in us to have a healthy flow of energy. Drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep that flow going in your body. Every cell in your body needs water to communicate with other cells so hydrate yourself! Did you know dehydration has the same symptoms of anxiety? Keep calm and hydrate. Add fresh lemon slices to your water to help your liver have better function.
Try to balance and represent the 5 elements. Bring in these colours patterns symbols into your wardrobe,jewelry, and accessories like purses and wallets. See how much better you feel with a balance of natures energy.
Blue jeans ,white t shirt, black boots, red earrings, brown hair, blue eyes is one of my favourite outfits and It has all five elements of Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and wood.
Try bringing these elements into each room of your home and wait for your company to comment on how cozy your home is.
I love the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui and the balance of energy it gives. It also creates a healthy flow of energy too. So shop find the elements you love and Feng Shui yourself?